Markforged enabled SDHQ Off-Road to expedite their research and design(R&D) process for developing custom off-roading truck racks that secure critical equipment. Fixtures no longer need to be crafted by hand,and can actually be designed to more effectively secure the parts that need to be welded. Furthermore, Onyx resists corrosion and he can easily reprint fixtures if they fail.
They print custom cable adapters for a 15 lb, handheld 3D camera that replaces conventional 100 lb rigs. These adapters consolidate cabling to a single interface point, making the camera simpler and easier to operate. Rent the Sky Films founder Scott Ferril describes this part as “the difference between getting the shots you want vs. the shots you have time for.”
Discover how 3D printing can streamline your operations—connect with us today to learn more.