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HP Jet Fusion 580 Colour 3D Printer

The most compact printer HP offers, the HP JF 580 combines engineering grade strength with full CMYK colour. Perfect for engineering firms who want attractive prototypes or manufacturing companies looking to consolidate 10+ FDM printers.

High Volume Production - HP Jet Fusion 5200

The HP Jet Fusion 5200 pushes productivity to the limit. With industry leading economics, the JF 5200 is opening up new applications for additive manufacturing that were previously only possible with injection molding.

Get manufacturing predictability

Do you wish your manufacturing operations was more predictable?
Not only does the HP Jet Fusion 5200 deliver the best part repeat-ability in the 3D printing market, it does so faster, and more consistently with maximum uptime.

Leverage breakthrough economics

Could you win more deals with better cost per part?
30% faster than the 4200, the HP Jet Fusion 5200 divides your fixed cost further to push prices lower. 80% reuse of powder and more efficient agent usage means even lower materials cost. If you use the 5200 as designed your cost to manufacture will become a strategic advantage over your competition.

Expand into new a markets

Are you looking to diversify?
Improved economics and accuracy are opening up markets previously owned by injection moulding.


How it Works

3D Printer

The fastest printer HP offers, the HP JF 5200 is designed with high volume printing in mind. Print two full build per day and achieve best in class accuracy and consistency.

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Build Unit

With multiple build units you can run both printing and processing in parallel. Each build unit tracks the material and volume loaded for easy material management. Additional accessories are available for natural cooling.

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Processing Station

The HP JF 5200 processing station makes material management simple. Automated mixing means each print has uniform mix ratio and is sheltered from human error. Fast cooling cuts the time to cool by 66%. Vacuum and filter system allow you to reclaim more than enough powder for your next build with up to 80% reuse.

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HP Production Plastics

NEW - BASF Ultrasint TPU01

BASF 's Ultrasint TPU is the most flexible material on the HP JF 5200. The HP Jet Fusion 5200 offers TPU parts at lower cost than previously available on the market at production ready volume.

Applications: Tubes, Soft Jigs and Fixtures, Sports Equipment, Electronics Housings

HP 3D High Reusability PA11

HP 3D High Reusability PA11 offers greater ductility and ultimate tensile strength than PA12.

Applications: Impact resistance and ductility for prostheses, insoles, sports goods, snap fits, living hinges, and more...

HP 3D High Reusability PA12

HP 3D High Reusability PA12 is HP's most economically attractive material. With up to 80% reuse companies typically investigate the mechanical viability of PA12. PA12 is HP's most popular material.

Applications: Ideal for complex assemblies, housings, enclosures, and watertight applications

HP 3D High Reusability PA12 GB

By adding glass bead to PA12, parts come out stiffer. In addition, PA12 with Glass bead offers the best dimensional accuracy on the HP Jet Fusion platform.

Applications: Ideal for applications requiring high stiffness like enclosures and housings, fixtures and tooling.

Looking to industrialize your postprocessing? AMT offers automated BEAD BLASTING and CHEMICAL SMOOTHING equipment to take your HP parts to the next level.