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PostProDP De-Powdering

AMT’s de-powdering systems revolutionizes part cleaning for powder-based additive manufacturing machines. A gentle automatic cleaning process of large batches of components that save hours of manual blasting labor time. System variations include the standard, economical PostProDP, and the industrial, advanced – PostProDP PRO.

Labour Saving

Why spend valuable labour cleaning parts when the process can be fully automated?
Companies running HP Jet Fusion systems full time can dramatically reduce their cost of post processing by adopting automatic de-powdering systems from AMT. Parts are drum tumbled and bead blasted in batches. One AMT Post Pro DP can handle multiple HP Jet Fusion systems.

Improved Consistency

Do your customers demand consistency on large part volumes?
The quality of your post processing system directly impacts your job quality. When delivering parts in the hundreds or thousands the consistency of look and feel are important. Tumbling parts long enough ensures your 3D parts look exactly the same matching the expectations of other manufacturing methods.

Cleaner Environment

Are you looking to keep your Additive Manufacturing facility sare and clean?
Air tight and ionized the Post Pro DP leaves parts and your room free of dust. This reduces the labour of air blasting your parts like a normal bead blaster as well as the labour associated with keeping your facility clean.




AMT's POSTPRODP is an economical and speedy de-powdering system, that cleans powder-bed products in just 10 minutes. The machine is equipped with a cyclone, which guarantees that the abrasive is perfectly cleaned. The machine is CE and ATEX certified machine, which prevents the risk of fire or explosions.

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PostProDP Pro

AMT’S POSTPRODP PRO is a robust and industrial solution that allows 24/7 de-powdering to further reduce manual intervention in the process chain, which at this stage of the workflow involves considerable safety precautions and PPE equipment due to the fine powders involved.

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PostProDP Pro MAX

AMT’S POSTPRO DP MAX is powered by continuous tumble belt technology, POSTPRO DP MAX is a fully automated depowdering & shot blasting system designed for maximum throughput.

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